Friday, March 18, 2011

Vesper: A Deviants Novel by Jeff Sampson

I have read many YA books in the paranormal/supernatural genre and after a while, the plots seem to mirror one another in some aspects. When I received Vesper as a Vine read, I was not sure what to expect - more of the same? To my pleasant surprise, it was actually quite a unique spin on some familiar story lines and I found myself engaged with the story.

The central character is Emily Webb, a geeky sort who doesn't quite fit in at school. A classmate's murder triggers some weird transformation in Emily (coincidentally, the classmate's name is also Emily, Emily Cooke). This transformation sees Emily having two distinct personalities, a day Emily who mirrors the original Emily Webb, and a night Emily who is very different, more independent, charismatic, and confident.

As the story unfolds (and it takes its time), the reader begins to piece together the puzzle that is Emily Webb, and the nature of her strange transformation. Intriguing and dark, this is an interesting read for fans of YA paranormal stories, and I look forward to reading the next installment in the series.

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