Friday, March 18, 2011

The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens

Well, having read and enjoyed Lemony Snickett's A Series of Unfortunate Events series of books, I had really not read much YA fantasy. Then I got offered The Emerald Atlas as a Vine review, and I snapped it up. To my delight, I found it fun and enjoyable. The three siblings, i.e. Kate, Michael, and Emma are likable in their roles as the orphan children who go on these adventures. Each child has his/her own distinct personality - Kate is the oldest sibling who bears the responsibility of looking out for her siblings; Michael is the smart one; and, Emma is the youngest sibling who is feisty and tough. The characterization of each sibling is credibly drawn and they appear real, not as mere cardboard characters.

The other strength of this novel is the language which is witty and funny. At times, the language does get overly descriptive which makes it tedious and lumbering, but on the whole, the story is engaging and fun and should appeal to young adults who love a good fantasy read.

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